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Point Numbering

Enabling this feature lets you assign numbers to map Points, affecting their order on the map and in the list. You can edit these numbers individually or in bulk using the spreadsheet view.

Chelsey Roney avatar
Written by Chelsey Roney
Updated over a week ago

1 Click "Point Settings".

2 Toggle on "Enable Point Numbering".

If you would like to replace map icons with numbers, toggle on "Replace Map Icons with Numbers". If checked, Proxi will replace category icons in the map with numbers where assigned.

3 Choose the color you'd like to associate to the circle color that contains the point number.

Assign a number to a point

4 For a new point, click "Add Point".

Search for a place and add it.

Then click "Number".

5 Type in the number you'd like to associate to the point.

6 Click "Add Point".

7 For an existing point, click the 'edit' icon on the map point.

8 Click 'Number'.

9 Type in the desired point number.

10 Click "Update Point".

11 Alternatively, you can edit numbers in bulk in Spreadsheet View.

12 Type the point number for each point into the new "Point Number" column.

Printing Numbered Lists

13 You might want a print out of the numbered points. Click "Print".

14 You can remove the category icon from the print out by toggling off "Show Category Icon". This will leave the number but remove the category icon.

15 Adjust settings on the right hand side of the screen.


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