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How to Customize Your Add-A-Point Form
How to Customize Your Add-A-Point Form

Learn how to build, share, and manage customized forms on Proxi.

Katie McClure avatar
Written by Katie McClure
Updated over a week ago

1. To enable the 'Add Point Form' Add-on, start by clicking on 'Apps' in the lefthand menu.

2. Click 'Add Point Form Settings'

3. Activate the App

4. With the app now enabled, it will appear in your navigation menu.

5. Point Approval Settings

If you want more control over the points added to your map, you can enable 'Admin Approval.' This setting sends you a notification whenever a new point is added, allowing you to review and approve or disapprove the addition before it appears on your map.

You can also enable email notifications for the contributor. This option lets the point adder receive a link to their submission for future edits and notifies them if their point has been approved for the map.

To enable either of these settings, simply flip the toggle to "On." (Green)

6. Submission Options:

Ask for Email First: Collect the user’s email address at the beginning of the form instead of at the end. Toggle this setting on or off.

Custom Success Message: Personalize the message that appears when users submit a point. Enter your custom message in the provided text box.

Show 'Add Another' Button: Encourage users to submit multiple points by displaying an "Add Another" button after submission. Toggle this setting on or off.

Customizing Standard Form Fields

Category Field:

Rename your category header by entering the new name in the text box.

Add a description to guide your viewers in understanding this category.

Choose which categories are available for viewers to add points to. In this example, all categories except for "Trick-Or-Treating" were deselected. This means viewers will only be able to add points to the selected category.

Points are required to be connected to a category. This field is required for all Add Point Forms.

Location Field:
Locations are required for all points added to the map. However, you can choose to hide the location from public view on the map point card.

Similar to the category field, you can rename the Location Header and add custom instructions. For example, you might rename the header to "Trick-or-Treat Location" and set the instructions to "Add your address."

Title Field:
Allow users to give their points titles. This can be as simple as the name of their business or, depending on your form, something more specific and unique.

The Title field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form' and on your Map Point Card. Use the toggles to enable or disable the title in these areas.

You can choose to make this field required.

You can also customize the header and add specific instructions for this section.

Description Field:
Allow users to add extra details to map points, providing context and additional information.

The Description field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form' and on your Map Point Card. Use the toggles to enable or disable.

You can choose to make this field required.

You can also customize the header and add specific instructions for this section.

Tags Field:
Allow users to assign relevant tags to points, improving filtering and searchability.

The Tags field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form' and on your Map Point Card. Use the toggles to enable or disable tags in these areas.

You can choose to make this field required.

You can also customize the header and add specific instructions for this section.

Pro Tip! Tags are perfect for applying logic! You can make this field appear based on previous answers. For example, you could display tags only for specific categories. If someone is adding points to a "Haunted Houses" category, you could then enable tags like "Scare Factor" to provide more details specific to haunted houses, ranging from Spooky to Scary.

Special Offers Field:
Special offers are highlighted with a dotted line within point cards and points that include these glow a special purple color.

The Special Offers field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form' and on your Map Point Card. Use the toggles to enable or disable tags in these areas.

You can choose to make this field required.

You can also customize the header and add specific instructions for this section.

More Info URLs:
Enable your point adders to include URL links to more information.

The URL field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form' and on your Map Point Card. Use the toggles to enable or disable.

You can choose to make this field required.

You can also customize the header and add specific instructions for this section.

Photos Field:
Enable your point adders to upload their own photos to the point.

This field can be shown or hidden on your 'Add Point Form'. Use the toggles to enable or disable.

Custom Form Fields

If the standard form fields don’t meet your needs or if you want to include additional fields, you can add custom form fields to your form.

Start by choosing a Field Type:

  • Text: Standard text box for general input.

  • Number: Text box that only accepts numeric values.

  • Phone: Text box for phone numbers that become clickable for dialing.

  • URL: Text box for entering URLs.

  • Multi-Select: Allows users to choose multiple options from a list.

  • Single Select: Allows users to choose a single option from a list.

After selecting the field type, give your field a name and click the 'Add to Form' button to complete the process.

Your new field will be added as a 'Custom Element'. Click the arrow to customize your field further.

You can now edit and customize your form fields just like the standard ones.

Decide whether you want the field to be visible on your point form, displayed or hidden on point cards, and whether it should be required for submission.

Add a custom header and description to guide your viewers.

For Multi-Select or Single-Select fields, provide a comma-separated list of options for users to choose from.

Submission Elements

You can also customize submission elements, including point adder emails and terms and conditions. Decide whether to make email addresses a required field for users when they submit points to your map.

You can copy and paste your terms and conditions (if applicable) into the text box. These will be displayed to users before they submit their points, and they must agree to them to complete the submission.

Custom Logic on Forms

Logic is one of Proxi's most powerful features. It allows fields to be shown or hidden based on previous actions taken in the form. This makes your custom forms more interactive, tailored, and can improve completion rates.

Custom logic can be applied to all form fields except Category and Location.

Create your logic by inputting your conditions into the logic equation.

The field will only be displayed if specific actions have been taken.

For example, the "Special Offer" field will only appear if the category is set to "Trick-Or-Treating."

You can apply logic to any form field, including custom elements you’ve created!

Available actions include: Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain, Is Set, and Is Not Set.

To enhance your logic, you can create AND/OR statements in addition to your initial action.

For example:
"Special Offers" will only appear when: Description Contains "Special Offer" AND Category Equals "Trick or Treating."

Share Your Map!

To share your crowdsourced map with others, use the interactive map link. Start by clicking the 'Share' button in the top right corner.

Then select 'Let Viewers Suggest Points'

Copy the link to share!

How People Experience Adding Points

Your point adders will view your map and can add points by clicking the 'Add Point' button in the top right corner of the map.

The Point Form will open and point adders will be prompted to fill out the form. Once finished, they will click 'Submit Point'

They will then see the submission message.

As the map manager, you'll see their point with an eye icon crossed out, indicating that you need to approve it before it can be added to your map.

Approving Map Points

Log back into your Map Editor in Proxi, click on the newly added point, and select 'Approve' to add it to your map. If you choose not to approve the point, you can either email the point adder with details on what needs to be changed or delete the point.

Once approved, the point will be active on your map!

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